Day at the Beach!

One of the joys of living in So Cal is being able to go to the beach in October. Cyrus took the day off for Marci's birthday and we all headed to Oceanside. It was a beautiful day and it being Monday afternoon hardly anyone else was there (we usually have to go on Saturdays and it is packed!). Marci was thrilled that her cousins Audrey and Lauren and Aunt Karen came with us. Karen and I got to sit and enjoy watching the kids play. We stayed for over three hours... We even brought hotdogs to roast at a camp fire... but sadly enough we couldn't get the fire going. The wood was too wet. We had so much fun though that I didn't even let the parking ticket I got at the end of the day ruin it. (yes it was a bummer but I'm trying not to get too work up about those things)