Now that I'm 34!

Flowers from my DH for my birthday!

What? I'm actually 34? That's seems pretty old to me... but I like it. Yesterday was a good day. I have many sister's and friends that remembered my day... (note to self... remember their birthday's as well.) Anyway, I wouldn't change anything about my life right now... I love all of it... especially my dear hubby and my sweet 6 kids.
Well, did I say I wouldn't change anything? Those of you who know me, know that I'm always changing my hair color... for some reason, I just can't get it right... and the grey hairs that keep popping up don't seem to want to go away. So, tonight I decided to change it again... I'm no longer a cheap blond... I'm now a brunette. Isn't it great being a girl? We can get away with anything. One of the pluses to being a brunette is that my children always tell me I look like Aunt Jean. Well, I only wish, she has beautiful brunette hair that has never been tampered with... and did I mention... she's 10 years older than I am! I think she's only seen 2 or 3 grey hairs her whole life! I wish... Anyway, it will be fun to wake up and hear the kids tell me I look like Aunt Jean again.
So, since I have a new doo I thought I'd post some pictures so that my friends aren't completely shocked when they see me... or so that they will still know who I am when I run into them in Target!
Here is an offer to all o

(and no, it doesn't have to be an old tatered shirt... I just find that this shirt is one of my favorites!)