Now that I'm 34!
Flowers from my DH for my birthday!
What? I'm actually 34? That's seems pretty old to me... but I like it. Yesterday was a good day. I have many sister's and friends that remembered my day... (note to self... remember their birthday's as well.) Anyway, I wouldn't change anything about my life right now... I love all of it... especially my dear hubby and my sweet 6 kids.
Well, did I say I wouldn't change anything? Those of you who know me, know that I'm always changing my hair color... for some reason, I just can't get it right... and the grey hairs that keep popping up don't seem to want to go away. So, tonight I decided to change it again... I'm no longer a cheap blond... I'm now a brunette. Isn't it great being a girl? We can get away with anything. One of the pluses to being a brunette is that my children always tell me I look like Aunt Jean. Well, I only wish, she has beautiful brunette hair that has never been tampered with... and did I mention... she's 10 years older than I am! I think she's only seen 2 or 3 grey hairs her whole life! I wish... Anyway, it will be fun to wake up and hear the kids tell me I look like Aunt Jean again.
So, since I have a new doo I thought I'd post some pictures so that my friends aren't completely shocked when they see me... or so that they will still know who I am when I run into them in Target!
Here is an offer to all of you faithful readers... If any of you would like to come by in your husbands favorite old tatered shirt, I'd love to snap some head shots... wouldn't he just love that? I know my husband does... and i'm not trying to make money off of you, I'd take the shots b/c it's fun (yes, i'm talking free)! And I know it would make somebody really happy.... and besides, the lighting is already set up! Just give me a call!
(and no, it doesn't have to be an old tatered shirt... I just find that this shirt is one of my favorites!)