The Housewife

A good housewife, whether she possesses much or little, will have a place for everything she has in the house, and make her house orderly and comfortable, and everything when wanted can be found in its place.
pg 213
My husband sure wishes I were more like this... he can never find anything he wants... like scissors, tape, pen, paper... I think I'll start in the kitchen here. Ever since we moved in here I still have not organized my cupboards in a manor pleasing to Brigham Young!

This next quote is for my mother (she's a tad OCD). She is continually counting as she goes anywhere.

Count the steps that a woman takes when she is doing her work, let them be measured, and it will be found that in many instances she had taken steps enough to have traveled from fifteen to twenty miles a day; I will warrant this to be the case.
pg 214

Man, what Brigham Young would have given for a pedometer!


Anonymous said…
Everyday I try so hard to make my house orderly. It's pretty much a loosing battle with a bunch of small kids. O well. I was about to "give up" but Brigham Young just remotivated me. Thanks Leanne! O and I am looking forward to one of your lessons. Yay! I just need to "sneak out" of YW's
grandma said…
gooood! enjoyed! but where is Nov. 4 & 5...xo m

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