I'm Back!

Yes, I am back again today...
I was called to be a Relief Society teacher at church (for those of you wondering what that might be: We meet for an hour as women on Sunday's and various people are called as instructors. I will teach once a month out of a manual). I was thrilled with the calling. I love teaching women. But, you must also understand that the reason I like teaching so much is sort of a selfish thing, I get to ponder the lesson for a month and learn things for myself. Whether or not the ladies learn anything, I get a lot out of it... hopefully they will get something out of it as well.
So, this year we are studying the teachings of Joseph Smith. I am teaching the lesson on the degree's of glory next Sunday.... we'll to get to my point of this post, I started pulling out other books. I pulled out the "teachings of Joseph Smith" and "discourses of Brigham Young". Well, let me tell you, I became completely enthralled with Brigham Young's teachings... he is so good... so direct and gets right to the point on nearly any issue you could ever care to learn about. So, I have decided to share with all of you a few of his quotes. I will not bombard you with all of them at once. My goal is to share one a day... well maybe sometimes two a day... but no worries, I won't bore you to death.

Today's favorites:
I thought this one was appropriate with all this election and Prop 8 stuff going on:

There is no law against doing good. There is no law against love. There is no law against serving God. There is no law against charity and benevolence. There is no law against the principles of eternal life. Live them, and no righteous law of man can reach you.
Discourses of Brigham Young pg. 224

This next quote was found under Woman's Fashions:
That which is convenient should be beautiful. As for fashion, it does not trouble me, my fashion is convenience and comfort.
Discourses of Brigham Young pg. 216

That last one made me laugh... now if we could all just remember that! I must say, I do agree. Tomorrow's quote will come from "some womanly duties" so make sure you come back and check it out!


CaraNathan said…
Leanne, I have loved reading your blog. It has been so fun for me to see all your kids!! I am sad that I don't know you better- and that you live so far away!!
kmickeld said…
you didn't tell me you were called to teach RS. I really think that is the best calling in the church!

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