Where is my BOOK?
Okay I know... I'm really lame... my mother just asked me where Nov. 4th and 5th quotes were. Well, so much for getting my house in order and always being able to find things... I misplaced my Brigham Young book! He would have been so disappointed. Don't ask me how but I did just find it on top of the Wii. What an odd spot to have left it and I don't remember that spot to be it's designated place. Anyway, I now have it so I will share a few fun quotes with you all.
Here is one I found on The Family.
Here is one I found on The Family.
A child loves the smiles of its mother, but hates her frowns. I tell the mothers not to allow the children to indulge in evils, but at the same time to treat them with mildness. If a child is required to step in a certain direction, and it does not seem willing to do so, gently put it in the desired way, and say, "There, my little dear, you must step when I speak to you." Children need directing and teaching what is right in a kind, affectionate manner.
pg. 209
pg. 209
I needed this quote today. My children are off track and there are many times that they see my frown. I'm going to work on this and try and be more kind and affectionate.
Here is my all time favorite (its a little long but its worth it). When Cyrus and I were first married we found this quote together and printed it out and put it in our scriptures. I believe it defines a few of our responsibilities really well:
Here is my all time favorite (its a little long but its worth it). When Cyrus and I were first married we found this quote together and printed it out and put it in our scriptures. I believe it defines a few of our responsibilities really well:
It is for the husband to learn how to gather around his family the comforts of life, how to control his passions and temper, and to command the respect, not only of his family but of all his brethren, sisters, and friends. It is the calling of the wife and mother to know what to do with everything that is brought into the house, laboring to make her home desirable to her husband and children, making herself an Eve in the midst of a little paradise of her own creating, securing her husband's love and confidence, and tying her offspring to herself, with a love that is stronger than death, for an everlasting inheritance.
pg 198
Side note: Here are a few pics i took while getting ready for a client on Saturday... my girls are so good to model for me. Compare these first two... before and after... I didn't really do much to the second one... Compare what some Photoshop can do for a picture... courtesy of the photomaster CY!

pg 198
Side note: Here are a few pics i took while getting ready for a client on Saturday... my girls are so good to model for me. Compare these first two... before and after... I didn't really do much to the second one... Compare what some Photoshop can do for a picture... courtesy of the photomaster CY!
