California Gold Rush 02-01-11
Yesterday... I know, I failed to blog... but I did take the pictures. Chloe asked me to come help out with the Gold Rush activity the school had planned for them. My friend Tesha was kind enough to watch my kids so I was able to go. I think I surprised Chloe when I showed up. I usually can't make it to school events so she was happy I was there. The teachers had hidden about a bazillion gold rocks in the hills and the kids got to go dig for them. They had a blast. After they dug for gold they were able to weigh in and get tickets in return and purchase popcorn, jerky, pans and playing cards. I was so impressed with all the work that went into this. I also thought I should have helped out more. I wasn't aware of all the stuff they needed. Wooops.. next time right? Anyway, Chloe had a great time and even ended up giving her popcorn away to a boy that wasn't able to buy any.