FHE the Jetsons way 01-31-11

It is the 31st of January and I can proudly say I have taken a picture every day this month! I knew that part would be possible but I can't believe I took the time to blog about every single picture! None of the pictures will win any awards but they sure do tell a story about my family. I have really enjoyed this quest I am on because it has made me focus more on my own little ones and the fun everyday things we do together.
We were sad to see Cyrus leave this morning to Reno for a 3 day busines trip BUT with the joys of modern technology he was able to join us for FHE. He even conducted the meeting from his hotel room. The kids thought this was the coolest thing ever. Occasionally dad had to remind them that we were in the middle of Family Home Evening but Charly of course paid no attention to the lesson nor to her father's reprimands and spent the whole evening dancing in front of the computer. (oh, the things the youngest get away with) I'm sure it will be a FHE they will remember for a long time. Especially since Dad had a great idea for the activity. We set the computer on the table and took turns shooting darts at his face!

Tonight Chloe had prepared a wonderful lesson on Moses. We read the story from the Old Testament children's book and then to see if any of us were paying attention she gave us all a test.
So, can YOU pass her test?
Moses test

1. What did Moses do when he saw the Egyptian beating the Israelite ?

A. Kill the Egyptian

B. Watch him get hurt

C. Tell the king

2. What was the bush that was on fire?

A. A burning bush

B. A miracle

C. A tree

3. Name 3 things that happened to the Egyptians when they wouldnt let the Israelites go?

4. How many days did Jesus send darkness for?

A. 1 day

B. 5 days

C. 3 days

5. How did the Israelites oldest sons survive from the sickness?

A. Medicine

B. They didnt survive

C. Lambs blood over their doors

6. What happened right before the king let the Israelites go?

A. Crickets came and ate all their food

B. The king’s oldest son died

C. The rivers turned into blood

7. What did Jesus tell Moses to do when the Israelites got to the red sea?

A. Raise your hand above the sea

B. Build a boat

C. Drown

8. What did the Israelites walk on while going through the red sea?

A. A bridge

B. Wet ground

C. Dry ground

9. What happened to Egyptians when they fallowed the Israelites through the red sea?

A. they made it

B. they died

C. they made it to the sea but the Israelites already made to the other side so the sea closed

10. Now the Israelites were__________. They ___________song.


Sandy K. said…
This was so fun to read, and I almost passed the test! My own challenge this year is reading the bible cover to cover. It's supposed to be daily, but I have found myself playing "catch up." I have the support of a study group...so we do keep each other on task. In the midst of the current blizzard I have lots of time today!
grandma said…
Let me help you report every day...if you do, I will comment on every blog. The test?---1a, 2a, 3blood water, frogs, lice, 4a 5c,6b,7a,8c, 9b, 10::::???WOW FREE - SANG A....love you much Marci...happy Home Evening..gm
Leanne said…
WOW... you two ladies are very impressive! Good job on passing the quiz. And, it was chloe who did the quiz mom. It's a deal... if you comment on every post, I'll keep posting! The comments keep me going. Thanks ladies!
~Manda said…
My roommates and I just took this quiz...it was fun!

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